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Clear Talk: Will Invisalign Affect Your Speech?

May 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthoallen @ 8:34 pm
Patient with Invisalign talking with a friend

Invisalign has truly revolutionized orthodontic treatment with its clear, removable aligners, making it a popular choice for millions of patients. They’re unmatched in their ability to stay discreet while straightening your teeth. However, there are some quirks! For example, many patients report trouble speaking while wearing their aligners. But why is that? Continue reading to see how Invisalign might affect the way you talk and what you can do to adjust quickly.

Why Might Invisalign Change the Way I Talk?

Invisalign aligners are custom-made to fit snugly over your teeth. Even though they’re thin and designed for comfort, they can interfere with the way your tongue moves when you speak. This is particularly noticeable with sounds like “s” and “sh,” which can lead to a mild lisp.

The Initial Adjustment Period

When you first start wearing your aligners, it’s common to experience a slight change in your speech. The good news is that this adjustment period is temporary and will usually go away in a week or so. Your tongue and mouth will more than likely adapt to the aligners quickly and return your speech to normal.

Tips For Improving Your Speech with Invisalign

If you’re having trouble adjusting, or find a particular speech issue frustrating, try to follow these tips:

  • Practice Speaking Aloud: The more you talk with your aligners in, the faster your mouth will adjust. Try reading out loud, speaking to friends and family, or practicing tricky words and sounds.
  • Wear Your Aligners Consistently: The more consistently you wear your aligners, the quicker your mouth will adjust to them. Remember, Invisalign aligners should be worn for at least 20 to 22 hours a day.
  • Focus on Enunciation: Pay extra attention to enunciating your words clearly. This can help you overcome any initial difficulties and improve your speech clarity more quickly.

So, Invisalign may cause a temporary change in your speech, but it won’t last forever. With a little practice and patience, you’ll be back to speaking clearly and confidently in no time! If you need more guidance, talk to your orthodontist. They can provide extra tips or adjust your aligners if needed.

About the Practice

If you’re looking for experienced Invisalign providers, Dr. Tamara L. Jones and Dr. Megan Hanson can help. They’ve been assisting their patients in shaping their smiles with Invisalign and other customized orthodontics for many years. Call (972) 727-1153 to schedule an Invisalign consultation at Allen Orthodontics: Dr. Jones & Dr. Hanson or visit the website to explore other services.

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