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Your Braces-Safe Summer Snack Checklist

June 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthoallen @ 12:37 pm
A woman eating a slice of watermelon.

Summertime is here, which means there’s no shortage of delicious seasonal treats available to indulge in. But not so fast! If you’ve got braces, there may be some snacks you’ll have to skip to protect your wires and brackets from damage. If you’re ready to chow down this summer, take a moment to familiarize yourself with what you should (and should not) be eating.

What Not to Eat with Braces

Unfortunately, when you have braces you sometimes have to forgo some of your favorite foods to help keep your wires tight and your brackets secure.  Your orthodontist will give you a checklist of forbidden foods when you first get them, but with the dawning of a new season, it’s always nice to have a refresher. Here are a few menu items that you should avoid during treatment:

  • Sticky or chewy candy like gummies, taffy, or caramels
  • Lollipops or hard candy
  • Hard fruits and crunchy vegetables like apples, pears, raw carrots, and raw broccoli
  • Corn on the cob
  • Hard crackers, chips, pretzels, and bread loaves
  • Jerky
  • Wings or ribs or any meat on a bone
  • Burgers or hot dogs with buns
  • Popcorn
  • Nuts or seeds
  • Ice cubes

What To Enjoy with Braces

Thankfully, there are still plenty of yummy treats that you can still indulge in. They include:

  • Fresh fruit smoothies
  • Banana splits
  • Shakes
  • Frozen yogurt, ice cream, and custard
  • Mac and cheese
  • Potato salad and pasta salad
  • Baked beans
  • Watermelon, kiwi and grapes
  • Jello
  • Popsicles and fudgsicles
  • Baked potatoes
  • Grilled veggies
  • Greek yogurt
  • Cheese

Remember, no matter which foods you choose, it is important to properly clean your teeth after eating, especially with braces. That’s because braces brackets and wires can often accumulate food and plaque buildup.  Be sure to brush after each meal and floss between every tooth at least once a day.  Furthermore, keep up with your regular orthodontist appointments. This is the time to adjust your wires, monitor your progress, and discuss any questions or concerns you may have regarding your treatment.

Don’t deprive yourself of goodies this summer. Educate yourself on safe snacking, and your brackets, wires, teeth, and gums will stay in great shape all season long!

About Our Practice

Dr. Tamara L. Jones and Dr. Megan Hanson are board-certified orthodontists who strive to create a positive experience for patients of all ages. They believe that orthodontic care goes far beyond just looks; it can affect everything from your self-esteem to your gum and tooth health, too.

If you’re interested in undergoing Invisalign, please schedule an appointment with the team at Allen Orthodontics by visiting our website or calling 972-727-1153 today.

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